Curso de inglés Rápido: Present Perfect

Elige la traducción adecuada.

1. "Vivimos en Londres de 1992 hasta 1998"

a: We have lived in London from 1992 to 1998.
b: We live in London from 1992 to 1998.
c: We lived in London from 1992 to 1998


2. "Llevo 6 años estudiando inglés"

a: I study English for 6 years.
b: I have studied English for 6 years.
c: I studied English for 6 years.


3. "¿Cuánto tiempo llevas trabajando aquí?"

a: How much have you worked here?
b: How long have you worked here?
c: How much do you work here?


4. "¿Fuiste a estados unidos el año pasado?"

a: Did you go to the United States last year?
b: Have you gone to the United States last year?
c: Have you been to the United States last year?




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